「 Miyajima 」 一覧
Street food in Miyajima on Omotesando shopping street.
2019/04/11 -Hiroshima
Food and restaurants, MiyajimaIt is always fun to eat a little bit of everything. Miyajima’s main street, Omotesando is the best place to do that.
Mt Misen, the best route to climb. What is the hike time and length?
2019/04/10 -Hiroshima, World Heritage
MiyajimaThis mountain which along with world heritage Itsukushima shrine, is 535 m height and is perfect to climb for even a day trip. What makes Mt Misen so special and which route to the best to climb?
How much time for visiting Miyajima. What is the opening and closing time?
2019/04/09 -Hiroshima, World Heritage
MiyajimaThe time you need on the island depends on what you want to do. Here are the popular destinations and how long you need for each of these places.