「 Nara Park 」 一覧
What’s the cheapest way to get from Kyoto to Nara?
2019/04/18 -Public Transport
Japan Rail Pass, Nara Park, Todai-ji TempleIt is not far from Kyoto and easy to do a day trip. Let’s find out what way is the cheapest, and how long it takes.
How to get from Todaiji temple to Kasuga Taisha shrine?
2019/04/16 -Public Transport
Nara Park, Todai-ji TempleIf you are doing a day trip to the area, you are probably planning to visit Todaiji temple and Kasuga Taisha shrine. In this page, you can find out the best way from Todaiji temple to Kasuga Taisha shrine.
What’s Nara Parks’ best deer feeding time and food price?
2019/04/15 -Kyoto and Nara
Animals, Nara ParkWhat’s special about Nara park is the deer. You wouldn’t want to miss feeding them if you are visiting the park. So what time can you feed them, and where is the best place to buy the food?
Are Nara park deer dangerous? How to avoid injuries from deer attack.
2019/04/14 -Kyoto and Nara
Animals, Nara ParkYou wouldn’t want to get attacked by deer and upset your holiday. So why not to find out how to avoid an accident and have a safe happy time with deer.