There are many ways to get to Kiyomizu-
What’s the best way to get to Kiyomizu-dera temple from Kyoto station?
You can use trains, buses or taxi to do the travel and the best option could be different for your situation.
If you would like to go to the temple directly, buses go closer to the temple than train, but if you don’t mind the walk and have some spear time, train might be better.
Here is the reasons.
Use buses to go to Kiyomizu-dera temple.

The most common way to go to Kiyomizu-dera temple from Kyoto station is get on a bus. This is the cheapest option, and is quicker and get closer to the temple than trains.
Fee 230 yen, Or you can get 600 yen day pass for city bus
How much time About 15 mins bus ride and then 10 mins walk
Name of the stops Kyoto-eki-mae (Kyoto station) to Kiyomizu-michi
Which bus goes to the temple?
Kyoto City Bus is the best option. You can catch 86, 106, 110 or 206.
The bus could be really busy and you might have to wait for the next one to get on. And it could delay due to the traffic condition especially busy cherry blossom season and Autumn leaves season so allow enough time for the travel.
This is not JR buses so you can not use your JR pass. You can use some of IC cards such as suica and pasmo.
How to get to Kiyomizu-dera temple from the nearest bus stop
Use trains to go to Kiyomizu-dera temple.

What’s better about using trains rather than buses is that there is no traffic delay and you probably feel easier and comfortable to travel with, especially if you don’t speak Japanese.
The reasons the buses are popular than train are,
- The closest train station to the temple is about 20 to 30 mins away by walking.
- You might have to change trains.
- Take about the same or more time.
But if you have some time to do sightseeing along the way, it could be a better option. I have shared the tourist walk we did when we went to Kiyomizu-dera temple in this page.
Which train goes to the temple?
The closest train station to the temple is Kiyomizu-Gojo station. There is no direct train from Kyoto station and quickest way could be different by what time you are travelling.
I suggest one of the option here but you may want to check the best option when you are travelling.
Fee 270 yen
How much time 3 mins for the first train ride, and then 3 more mins on the second one. 25 mins walk to the temple.
Name of the stops Kyoto station to Tofuku-ji station by JR line, then to Kiyomizu-gojo station by Keihan-main line.
How to get to Kiyomizu-dera temple from
Kiyomizu-gojo station.
Use taxi to go to Kiyomizu-dera temple.
Kiyomizu-dera temple is not that far from Kyoto station so you can consider get on a taxi especially if there are 4 of you.
Fee about 1500 yen
How much time 20 mins or so